Posts Tagged ‘public option


Light ‘Em If You Got ‘Em

Status quo and insurance company control are the incandescent lamp of government programs. Incandescent lamps are inefficient, fail soon and often, cost the most in the long run, and will be even more expensive in the future.

Health Care reform is the compact fluorescent lamp of government programs. Compact fluorescent lamps are efficient, work nearly everywhere and last a long time, cost much less to use, and have been getting continually less expensive. They have some toxic material which must be carefully handled to remain safe.

Public option and Single-payer Health Care are the L.E.D. Wikipedia GNU Freelamps of government programs. L.E.D. lamps are very efficient, and getting to be the most efficient. They can be used in any application – anywhere, and in any size. They are safe to handle. They are almost indestructible. They will be much less expensive in the future and will be the cheapest to operate.

Which lamp do you buy? I already buy compact fluorescent lamps. Even though I don’t have much money for purchases during the recession, they save plenty on my electricity bills. I will switch to L.E.D. lamps as soon as my income recovers.


An open letter to my Senator

You are encouraged to write to your Senators and Congressmen.
Show them that the public will support them in return for doing the right thing.

Senator McCaskill,

Americans want a real remedy to America’s health care problems. I want a real remedy. Virtually all other developed nations HAVE a real remedy.

There is one thing stopping the U.S. from having that remedy: political calculation.

Yes – I understand that we need, at times, to exercise discretion in achieving practical compromises. We now know that compromise is not possible, due to the intransigence of the Minority.

The public has shown, for many months, that it is strongly in favor of the public option. Independent voters, especially, have shown their support for a public option, despite confusion over recent legislative proposals.

Please support the passage of health care reform legislation, including a public option, by whatever means is necessary. Reconciliation is a viable and powerful tool. Please use it.

It is my judgement that much of the public consternation about recent legislative proposals is due to the large uncertainties about whether legislation can be enacted. Restore public confidence. Act decisively and provide us with this generation’s essential and irreplaceable contribution to ‘promote the general Welfare‘.

As Jesus was asked “Who is my neighbor?“, it is time that we (both the elected and the electorate) ask, “Who do we serve?“. It is not the wealthy and the powerful who need change. It is taxpayers and those who are excluded by the health industry who need action that is in their best interest.

Many of them do not know their own best interest. We want you, other Congressional leaders, and the President to make real reform happen, regardless of the cacophony of propagandists and their fearful targets. Their voices will rapidly fade, exactly as they vanished after the passage of Medicare in 1965.

Best Regards,


♥ Help for Haiti ♥


Basic Understanding

A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.
- Edward R. Murrow

Intellectual Property Notice

All original material Copyright James R. Stone 2010, except where specifically noted. Some images licensed under Creative Commons, or GNU Free Documentation License, or unlicensed and public domain.

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